
Photo of website creator

Welcome websurfer! Guess this site piqued your interest, huh? Well, feel free to click around all you like and read all the silly things I have put on here. The majority of this site is dedicated to my manga and anime reviews. I will also have similar media reviews in that sector like audio dramas (podcasts) and webcomics. Oh yeah, and I doodle from time to time, so you might see that here too.

Razor the Shark Icon

Neocities has become a special hobby for me. Having this webiste, MY OWN WEBSITE, motivates me to create, to indulge myself in the webcultures I love. I am so excited to put work into this site. This version is already my third major overhaul, but templates and online tutorials have made it easy as pie to create on here.


03/27/24 - Learned how to do tables, so now my reviews look really crisp! I think this will be the new style moving forward. That silly book on HTML is going to be a game changer for this place.

03/06/24 - Added a homepage for art and icons. Added more icon pages and changed the formatting a bit. Added a new emoji favicon since the old one was so crusty. I have tons of new manga that I picked up and tons of new art I want to share, but I have been busy with other projects in life.

06/21/23 - Been working a lot on ideas in the backend of my mind, been busy af at work, and still made some time to add my Pride Icons page before Pride month is over! Oh, and I made a month late page dedication to Web Designer Day, somehow that seems fitting.

05/06/23 - Full site template overhaul and transfered the review articles into post style articles on the site instead of just custom pages. Still a lot of cleanup and transfer to do - but! - I am in love with the new tempalte and it has some great new tricks like that java code that generates the browsing feature. This will be called LS 3.0 or LS30. Oh yeah, and I'm not Line-Space anymore, the name's SNOWDUNK.

04/20/23 - Added Katakoi Lamp to mangas, updated video of the week, edited Razor shrine, added shrines landing page, and touched up Taiyaki page! Gonna work on some art for the site next so it is more my style, but I am really liking what we got loaded in now!

04/13/23 - Added a landing page based on the Shrine CSS that will serve as my version of a Caard. While Caard is definitely sleek, I want something my own and custom, and also want more artists to see that Neocities can be a place to post your work and get people checking your portfolio! I want to work on adding a section for my game reviews, right now I am thinking about doing a whole page on the Playdate by Panic! I have been loving the novelty and actual charming game design of what I have played on there, and think a full review and showcase would be unique on my site. Been slammed with work and that is why I haven't been working on this much, but hey, I love doing it. Changed my name from LINE-SPACE to SNOWDUNK. I am getting tired of having so many aliases, so this will combine my Sonic accounts with my art accounts, which I think is going to make it so much easier to browse art online and post my own.

02/03/23 - Added a review for Monotone Blue and added a new video of the week! First logged update for the new year, even though I did have an update to celebrate my one year. I have been coding and making more art in private. Since I do not live code in the Neocities editor any longer, my updates are not as frequent.

12/14/22 - Should probably use this as both for the readers and myself. Did not go live with last changes mentioned, but will be in this update you are reading. New avatar icon! Very happy with that skull artwork. Added a padding style to the shrines css, but still have not made the shrine homepage... I will get to that soon!

11/15/22 - Added BEASTARS as an anime and made some light changes to my bio. I am looking forward to when I have tons of little buttons leading to all the anime and manga I want to talk about on here.

11/01/22 - Feeling motivated tonight! Added a new folder to keep all the Taiyaki pages organized, and I am working on filling up my Anime reviews, then will be doing Manga. Added a video of the week section, based on GIF of the Week from Oddity Commoddity.

10/27/22 - Second update to what I am calling LS20, LINE-SPACE 2.0. Changed navigation panels so there are no internal lists, added journal html, removed Razor Shrine, and updated favcion, which I expect I will change again once I figure out how to make it higher resolution! Added the taiyaki page with some content, will be working on this more since I have the most content ideas for it at the moment.

Video of the Week Archive

Week of 03/27/24

Week of 07/03/23

Week of 06/21/23

Week of 05/06/23

Week of 04/20/23

Week of 02/03/23

Week of 11/15/22

Week of 11/1/22