In a world where humans and beastmen live in divided sectors, relationships other than strictly business are forbidden. Bask, a dragon, and Angel, a human, work as gaurds in the human/beast administration building. They hate each other, but when Angel has a crisis and needs to rely on Bask's help, they both learn that there is something alluring about breaking the rules of the land.

beastmen | enemies to lovers | fantasy | r-18

shakespearean | sound | sophmoric

inferno | heated | tame

enduring | robust | fleeting

Get It | Check It | Skip It

Normally, I would do a short write up of the key characters followed by some pictures, but Fuck Humans has a plethora of resources for review purposes, including character sheets with bios. How handy! There are tons more colorful characters in the podcast, but Bask and Angel are the primary focus and Bask, oh Bask, be still my beating heart!

Fuck Humans is a very special podcast to me. In my post-uni years, I started to pick up more podcasts. My first experience with a fiction podcast drama was 'Welcome to Nightvale', and while I did enjoy the few I listened to, I knew I was craving more romance stories that surrealist. That is when I found out about Dreamboy and Fuck Humans, two shows that broke me into the podcast erotica sphere and that I now hold near and dear to my lustful heart.

I am constantly a sucker for the Medevil fantasy setting. Fuck Humans is great in the sense that the world is fully established with a known history of human x beastmen wars which we look back onto with judgement as well as differences in human and beastmen technologies, cultural norms, and living styles. Something I noticed about the human x beastmen divide that made Fuck Humans unique is that the beastmen were not seen nor treated as lesser beings, but rather as full rivals with a bordering country. I think some stories like this play into the 'humans are the dominant race' narrative and it was refreshing to see how Fuck Humans changes that to 'humans precieve themselves to be to dominant species' instead.

Fuck Humans is a incrediably voice-acted world-building podcast with a special focus on raunchy queer relationships that I found myself lost in several times. The show is no longer being worked on, but the season one set is a full-bodied story that will satisfy your human x beastmen hunger. My wish for the show is that it gets more fans so we all can continue it's story through fan works.

You can listen to Fuck Humans on most streaming services for free. You can download all the audio files for name your own price on itchio. They have an offical website with links for listening and gallery images too.

More reviews similar to this story coming soon!